
Wednesday 22 October 2014

Endodontics & Root Canal Therapy

The common name used for endodontic therapy is root canal therapy or treatment. Endodontics mainly treat areas inside the tooth like dentin, pulp, root canal etc. Also treats conditions like tooth infection, tooth trauma, cracked tooth etc. In endodontic treatment or root canal treatment, the infected or heavily decayed tooth will be cleaned and filled with medicines and will make it infection free.
Endodontic Treatment

Before explaining about the treatment procedure, we will explore the areas of teeth to get a better understanding. The outer layer of teeth is called the enamel. After enamel here comes dentin. Dentin protects the pulp and nerves which lead to the bone through a canal called the root canal.

tooth structure

Endodontic treatment is recommended for situations like if the pulp is inflamed or infected. The main cause may be deep tooth decay, repeated dental treatment in one single tooth, dental trauma like crack, chip etc. Gum disease can also cause infection in the pulp. These issues will lead to swelling and inflammation to pulp and the pressure will arise severe tooth ache. If ignored may cause irreversible damage to the pulp.

For saving your tooth, you need to undergo root canal treatment. Otherwise you may need to extract the tooth fully.

The main symptoms for having root canal treatment is,

-Severe pain in tooth
-Prolonged sensitivity in tooth
-Discolouration in tooth
-Swelling and tenderness in nearby gums.

tooth ache

Root Canal Procedure

Root canal procedure is a step by step procedure. Sometimes it requires 2 to 3 visits for completing the entire procedure. Initially the doctor will go through the entire medical records of the patient. According to the condition of the patient the doctor will fix the time for the root canal procedure.

First, a small opening will be made through the back of the front tooth or opening in the crown of the infected tooth. Then the diseased pulp will be removed and the pulp chamber and the root canal area will be cleaned. Now this area will be infection free and will be filled with medicines. Some patients will need a second visit because of their tooth condition. So for these patients, the doctor will fill temporary fillings for protecting the tooth.

root canal procedure

When the patient comes after a specific time period given by the doctor, the temporary fillings will be removed and the tooth may filled with permanent fillings. These fillings are rubbery materials called gutta-percha is inserted into both the canals and sealed with dental cement. After fillings, a crown will be placed above the tooth for giving it a natural shape & appearance.

After Treatment

After the complete restoration, the tooth will function normally. For the first few weeks, sensitivity will be felt. The dentist will prescribe proper medications according to the need of the patient. Even if your tooth became infection free, you should maintain a good oral hygiene for better dental health. You should follow proper habits like brushing twice a day, cleaning, flossing, and regular check-ups. Avoid biting and chewing of hard food items.

root canal treatment 

We Smile Architect Centre for Dental Care provides Endodontic Treatment with efficient endodontists. Have all the new ways of treatment procedure plus advanced technology and aims to provide a patient friendly environment.

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